Funded Projects

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Project # Project Title Research Focus Area Research Program Administering IC Institution(s) Investigator(s) Location(s) Year Awarded
Wearable nanocomposite sensor system for diagnosing mechanical sources of low back pain and guiding rehabilitation Clinical Research in Pain Management Back Pain Consortium Research Program NIAMS BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY BOWDEN, ANTON E Provo, UT 2019
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Back Pain Consortium (BACPAC) Research Program Technology Research Sites (UH2/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-AR-19-028

Chronic low back pain (cLBP) is recurrent and often nonresponsive to conservative treatments. Biomechanists, physical therapists, and surgeons each utilize a variety of tools and techniques to assess and interpret qualitative movement changes to understand potential mechanical and neurological sources of low back pain and as critical elements in their treatment paradigm. However, objectively characterizing and communicating this information is currently impossible, since clinically feasible (i.e., cost-effective, objective, and accurate) tools and quantitative benchmarks do not exist. This research addresses the challenge to improve cLBP outcomes through the use of unique, inexpensive, screen-printable, elastomer-based, nanocomposite, piezoresponsive sensors, which will be integrated into a SPInal Nanosensor Environment (SPINE) sense system to measure lumbar kinematics and provide an objective, quantitative platform for diagnosis, monitoring, and follow-up assessment of cLBP.

Development of a 3-month implantable depot pellet of Naltrexone for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Focusing Medication Development to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose NIDA BIOCORRX, INC. BRAR, BALBIR Anaheim, CA 2019
NOFO Title: Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3) (Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-19-002

The opioid antagonist naltrexone (NTX) is a proven treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD); however, lack of adherence is a serious limitation that has prevented NTX from reaching its maximum therapeutic potential. To address this limitation, BioCorRx is developing BICX102, a subcutaneous solid depot pellet of NTX, a single implantation of which can provide continual blockade of opioid receptors for up to 3 months. This can prevent patients from being adversely affected by almost any opioid relapse event, while improving efficacy and adherence to behavioral programs that support long-term management and recovery. This proposal comprises the steps required to achieve FDA approval. Successful development of BICX102 would result in a safe and effective 3-month subcutaneous depot pellet/implant containing NTX (1,000 mg) that would be far less reliant on patient compliance.

Primary Care Opioid Use Disorders Treatment Trial (PROUD) Economic Analysis Study Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Enhancing the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network to Address Opioids NIDA KAISER FOUNDATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE CAMPBELL, CYNTHIA I; BRADLEY, KATHARINE ANTHONY; WEISNER, CONSTANCE M. Oakland, CA 2019
NOFO Title: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: PA-18-591

Effective treatment for OUD has been shown to improve patient outcomes and reduce health care costs; however, evidence of this effect in primary care settings is severely limited. The health economic findings from this study will supplement the parent PROUD trial’s results regarding clinical effectiveness and implementation outcomes and provide critical contextual information for health systems and other health care stakeholders. The study will evaluate the economic viability of the PROUD collaborative care model for OUD—that is, from the perspective of the health care sector, to what extent do the downstream cost savings associated with improved patient outcomes offset the additional costs of the PROUD intervention? The specific aims are to (1) estimate the start-up and ongoing management costs of the PROUD intervention, (2) assess costs associated with health care utilization for patients who receive primary care treatment in PROUD and usual care clinics and have been identified with recognized OUDs before clinic randomization, and (3) estimate the economic value of the PROUD intervention, measured as net monetary benefit (NMB, incremental benefit minus incremental cost), from the health care sector perspective.

Impact of SB 273 on West Virginia Patients, Providers and Overall Prescription Rates of Opioid Medications New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Preventing Opioid Use Disorder NIDA West Virginia University Cara Sedney; Treah Haggerty Morgantown, WV 2019
NOFO Title: Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Drug Abuse Research (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: PAR-19-064

In 2018, new opiate prescribing limits (SB 273) were implemented across West Virginia to combat the opiate misuse epidemic. This study will utilize quantitative and qualitative measures to determine the effect of the recent opiate prescription laws in West Virginia, how a change in policy affects the opiate misuse epidemic, and how communities may apply this knowledge more broadly. The research team will: 1) collaborate with the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy to ascertain changes in opiate prescribing habits before and after the start of SB 273 using an interrupted time series methodology, and 2) achieve broad and deep understanding of how SB 273 has affected prescribing practices and experiences amongst primary care physicians, specialists (pan physicians, surgeons, emergency room physicians, etc.), and patients who currently or previously utilized opiate medications.

Device to Measure Pain using Facial Expression Recognition with Patiene PAINReportitA Tablet Cross-Cutting Research Small Business Programs NIDA ENSURING, LLC CHEN, ZHANLI Seattle, WA 2019
NOFO Title: Development of a Device to Objectively Measure Pain (R43/R44)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-18-012

Even though pain is a nearly universal experience, objective measurements of pain remain difficult. Given that responding to the opioid crisis will require both better ways to manage pain and better ways to detect drug-seeking behavior, finding approaches to objectively measure pain is crucial. The goal of this project is to develop a product that will objectively measure pain using computer vision and machine learning technologies together with tablet-based self-reported pain data from patients for research or clinical purposes. The product will be low cost, involving one or two cameras to record the video and a computer to analyze the video in almost-real time, and will involve software that can be portable to ordinary personal computers and tablets. The project will capture facial expressions related to genuine pain and integrate it with patients’ self-reported pain data, in order to refine the product and create an objective measure of pain intensity that can be used in clinical settings and test its accuracy. This new tool has the potential to help rectify the poor pain outcomes that still plague Americans with opioid addiction, cancer, and other health conditions in many health care settings.

MFMU HEAL Initiative Opportunity: Opioid Prescription Protocols at Discharge after cesarean delivery Clinical Research in Pain Management Pain Management Effectiveness Research Network (ERN) NICHD George Washington University Clifton, Rebecca Washington, DC 2019
NOFO Title: Data Coordinating Center for the NICHD Cooperative Multicenter Maternal Fetal Medicine Units Research Network (U10)
NOFO Number: RFA-HD-13-014

Cesarean deliveries are the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the United States. Opioids are almost universally used for post-cesarean analgesia management. Studies suggest that most women are prescribed more tablets at discharge than needed. These often go unused, providing an important reservoir contributing to the opioid crisis. Physicians struggle to prescribe and dose postoperative opioids appropriately while tackling the real needs of acute pain from surgery. Without literature to guide obstetric providers on appropriate amounts of opioids to prescribe upon discharge, actual prescription amounts nationally vary widely by up to 65 tablets. To improve post-cesarean opioid prescribing practices without compromising pain management, the study will test an individualized, patient-empowered approach for pain management and opioid prescription quantity. This is a noninferiority randomized trial of 5,500 women with a cesarean delivery who will be randomized prior to discharge.

3/6 Planning for the HEALthy Early Development Study Enhanced Outcomes for Infants and Children Exposed to Opioids HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study NIDA OSU CENTER FOR HEALTH SCIENCES CROFF, JULIE MAY (contact); MORRIS, AMANDA S Tulsa, OK 2019
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: HEALthy Brain and Child Development Study (HEALthy BCD) (Collaborative R34 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-19-029

The Planning for the HEALthy Early Development Study will contribute to the design and recommended protocol for a future large-scale, multi-site research study to prospectively examine human brain, cognitive, behavioral, social, and emotional development of children beginning prenatally through ages 9–10 and to determine the impact of maternal pre- and postnatal substance use on short- and long-term development of children. The planning study will link investigators across 6 research sites who have complementary experience and expertise in the areas that are essential to designing the study. Planning activities will be accomplished using a coordinated set of 10 working groups. By the end of the planning phase, the 6 consortium sites will have produced and tested a recommended protocol for the future multi-site study and will have established feasibility of carrying out the study protocol at each of the 6 linked sites.

NOFO Title: Development of a Device to Objectively Measure Pain (R43/R44)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-18-012

One of the most widely used treatments for chronic pain is opioid analgesics. Importantly, there is evidence of a pathological interaction between opioids and the immune system that can contribute to both opioid tolerance and elevated levels of pain. Chronic pain conditions for which opioids are most often prescribed have been shown to involve dysregulation of the immune system, which may contribute to pathological effects of opioid use in these patients. To address this unmet need, this study aims to develop a reliable, cost-effective, and non-invasive in vitro diagnostic assay for chronic pain with an underlying inflammatory pathology, as a blood test available in primary care settings, with the hope that doctors can use the test to identify which patients might benefit less from opioids and be more likely to become addicted.

TRIALS COORDINATING CENTER TO REDUCE SUBSTANCE USE, HIV RISK BEHAVIORS, & CRIME Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Justice Community Overdose Innovation Network (JCOIN) NIDA CHESTNUT HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC. Dennis, Michael L Bloomington, IL 2019
NOFO Title: Translational Research on Interventions for Adolescents in the Legal System: TRIALS (U01)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-13-009

Less than half of youth in the juvenile justice system who meet the criteria for substance use disorders (SUD) have ever received treatment, and less than one third of those received treatment while under community or correctional supervision. SUDs during adolescence can lead to significantly longer periods of substance use, more severe offending, and penetration in the justice system. The Translational Research on Interventions for Adolescents in the Legal System (TRIALS) cooperative is intended to develop and test implementation strategies and associated measures to improve the continuum of substance abuse and HIV prevention and treatment services delivered to youth under juvenile justice supervision.

Noninvasive Brain Stimulation for Treating Addiction Cross-Cutting Research Small Business Programs NIDA HIGHLAND INSTRUMENTS, INC DIPIETRO, LAURA; WAGNER, TIMOTHY ANDREW Cambridge, MA 2019
NOFO Title: PHS 2018-02 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: PA-18-573

Noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) may be effective in treating some forms of addiction, but the most common NIBS methods, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), have not been found to be effective in treating opioid use disorder (OUD). This project seeks to test the efficacy in OUD patients of Electrosonic Stimulation (ESStim™), an improved NIBS modality that combines independently controlled electromagnetic and ultrasonic fields to focus and boost stimulation currents via tuned electromechanical coupling in neural tissue.

Patient-level Risk Identifier Models for a Multifactor Opioid Abuse Risk Assessment Strategy Cross-Cutting Research Small Business Programs NIDA PRINCIPLED STRATEGIES, INC. DuBose, Paul ENCINITAS, CA 2019
NOFO Title: PHS 2018-02 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC, and FDA for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA-18-574

This project, a partnership with Principled Strategies, will develop innovative, patient-level models for opioid risk identification and integrate them into the SafeUseNow managed care system—an actionable solution for combating prescription drug abuse that currently operates at the prescriber level only. Incorporating patient-level risk identifier models will strengthen an already powerful and demonstrably effective program and constitutes a critical step in generating a first-in-class, multifactor risk assessment strategy that is truly holistic. Using a variety of data sources, advanced analytics, and multiple empirically validated risk identification models, the groundbreaking advancement in SafeUseNow technology will enable health care stakeholders to identify combinations of prescribers, patients, and pharmacies whose behaviors may contribute to prescription drug abuse. This project will work to obtain new datasets for analysis, assess them, and use them to build national patient-level risk models for relevant outcomes, which will enable the development and evaluation of a next-generation prototype for a patient-level version of SafeUseNow.

Deconstructing sleep disruption as a major risk factor for relapse in opioid use New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Sleep Dysfunction as a Core Feature of Opioid Use Disorder and Recovery NHLBI Medical College of Wisconsin EVERSON, CAROL A (contact); OLSEN, CHRISTOPHER M; RAFF, HERSHEL Milwaukee, WI 2019
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Sleep and Circadian-Dependent Mechanisms Contributing to Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) and Response to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-HL-19-028

Profound sleep disturbances during abstinence have long been suspected of perpetuating vulnerability to relapse of people who misuse or are addicted to opioids. An animal model has shown that long-term sleep deficiency results in a persistent state of physiological dysregulation that is expected to modify the biology of abstinence and increase relapse potential. This study seeks to discover how persistent sleep restriction during withdrawal from opioid use increases vulnerability to relapse in the animal model by testing whether persistent sleep restriction during abstinence from opioid use is sufficient to increase opioid drug seeking. The functional outcome measure will be the degree of mitigation of opioid seeking. These studies will provide a basis for novel translational approaches to target mechanisms that are demonstrated to cause increased vulnerability to relapse.

NOFO Title: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: PA-18-591

Justice-involved veterans have lower access to opioid use disorder (OUD) pharmacotherapy and need an effective transition from the justice system to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and community health care systems to improve drug addiction treatment and outcomes. We will quantitatively evaluate patient and facility characteristics associated with differences in receipt of OUD pharmacotherapy among justice-involved veterans compared with non-justice-involved veterans and within-facility changes over time; qualitatively identify drivers of higher or lower access to OUD pharmacotherapy among justice-involved veterans compared with other veterans with OUD at the same facility; evaluate stakeholders’ perceptions of factors that explain within-facility changes in access to OUD pharmacotherapy over time; and develop and conduct a formative evaluation of implementation strategies to improve access to OUD pharmacotherapy. Results will be used to design and select implementation strategies that address identified barriers to improve access to OUD pharmacotherapy for justice-involved veterans.

NOFO Title: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: PA-18-591

This study will examine the epidemiology of injection drug use, its infectious consequences, and service accessibility among young persons who inject drugs (PWID) in 15 rural counties in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, then implement an integrated telemedicine approach to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) and reduce infections and overdose. The UG3 phase will characterize the risk environment and epidemiology of OUD, its infectious complications, opioid overdose, risk behaviors, service use, and needs in young PWID in these counties. An environmental assessment of policy and infrastructure will examine available services, needs, and gaps. The UH3 phase will evaluate the effectiveness of a regionalized integrated model of expanded service delivery for rural PWID. This project will provide in-depth understanding of high-risk rural PWID, inform community response strategies, and implement a comprehensive, integrated approach to treat OUD and reduce overdose and infectious complications among PWID in the rural United States.

Fixed dose analgesic combination with non-opioid mechanism to prevent opioid misuse Cross-Cutting Research Small Business Programs NIDA SYNVENTA, LLC GOMTSIAN, ARTOUR Tucson, AZ 2019
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: America’s Startups and Small Businesses Build Technologies to Stop the Opioid Crisis (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-19-019

With nearly 116 million people suffering from chronic pain in the United States, there is a need for new analgesics without the risks posed by opioids. Antagonists acting at TRPV1 receptor have long been recognized as one of the most promising novel classes of non-opioid analgesics. Initial tests in humans have confirmed that this class of drugs produces analgesia and is safe and well-tolerated, but side effects include hyperthermia and partial loss of heat sensitivity, leading to most research being halted. This project will conduct a set of preclinical proof-of-concept studies in rats to support the claims that, at doses that have minimal, clinically acceptable, or negligible impact on cardiovascular function, a2 adrenoceptor agonists can diminish thermoregulatory effects of TRPV1 receptor antagonists.

Dual-orexin antagonism as a mechanism for improving sleep and drug abstinence in opioid use disorder New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Sleep Dysfunction as a Core Feature of Opioid Use Disorder and Recovery NHLBI Wayne State University GREENWALD, MARK K (contact); ROEHRS, TIMOTHY A Detroit, MI 2019
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Sleep and Circadian-Dependent Mechanisms Contributing to Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) and Response to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-HL-19-029

FDA-approved medications for treating opioid use disorder are effective, but there is a significant unmet need for alternatives, especially relapse prevention. NIDA and the FDA have encouraged investigators to expand the range of therapeutic outcomes, beyond measurement of abstinence. Insomnia is a clinically significant, but understudied, correlate/predictor of relapse to substance use. Yet most medications for treating insomnia have limited efficacy and can produce side effects. The orexin (OX) system plays a key role in sleep and substance use, offering a promising avenue for study. This project will address whether OX-1/2 antagonism is a mechanism that can directly improve outpatient opioid abstinence, or whether OX antagonism corrects sleep deficiencies and indirectly improves opioid abstinence. Specific aims are to determine whether nightly treatment with the OX-1/2 antagonist suvorexant, relative to placebo, 1) increases outpatient opioid abstinence and 2) improves sleep efficiency on the residential detoxification unit. The study will also determine 3) whether improved sleep efficiency predicts greater opioid abstinence (regardless of group assignment).

COLLABORATIVE CARE OFFICE-BASED OPIOID TREATMENT FOR ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Preventing Opioid Use Disorder NIDA Boston Medical Center HADLAND, SCOTT EVAN Boston, MA 2019
NOFO Title: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: PA-18-591

Risk for opioid use disorder (OUD) often begins in adolescence and young adulthood. Engaging and retaining adolescents and young adults (collectively, “youth”) in early, effective treatment is critical for improving the life course trajectory of addiction. For adults with OUD, office-based opioid treatment (OBOT) with a collaborative care approach that includes behavioral therapy optimizes patient engagement and retention in care. Collaborative care OBOT is especially promising for youth, who can receive treatment from a trusted primary care provider in the same familiar setting they receive their usual medical care. To date, however, OBOT has not been formally adapted for treating youth. The central objective of this project is to develop and pilot an enhanced OBOT model for youth that is developmentally appropriate and family centered. The multidisciplinary nature of our team, which includes expertise in advanced biostatistical analysis, qualitative research, intervention development, developmental psychology, and implementation and improvement science, will maximize the chances of filling an important gap in the provision of youth specific evidence-based OUD interventions.

NOFO Title: PHS 2018-02 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC, and FDA for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA-18-574

Current drug-screening immunoassays use benchtop analyzers that require experienced personnel, time, and a laboratory setup. Physicians without access to in-house testing have to send out patient samples for screening, resulting in unacceptable delays in the treatment of patients who are potentially suffering from chronic pain. This project, a partnership with BreviTest Technologies, LLC, aims to develop a low-cost, point-of-care (POC) urine drug testing (UDT) device to detect opioids. The goal is for a portable platform to deliver quantitative performance similar to a standard laboratory test for opioids within a 10-minute run time. If successful, this will provide a technology capable of performing rapid quantifications of urine drug levels in a physician’s office, providing an invaluable tool to render more effective pain management dosing to patients, thus paving the way toward lower toxicity and a better quality of life.

NOFO Title: Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR)(U54)
NOFO Number: PAR-14-303

Mortality rates in Appalachia have progressively increased over recent years, in contrast to decreasing mortality rates observed in the remainder of the U.S. The West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute (WVCTSI) was created in 2012 through the initial Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) award and has subsequently formed a well-connected, statewide research network, creating the infrastructure to address the substantial health disparities that exist in West Virginia. WVCTSI is now well positioned to attain the goals of this renewal application that include: 1) building sustainable research infrastructure that substantively contributes to improving West Virginia health outcomes by 2022; 2) recruiting the next generation of clinician scientists and translational researchers that excel in team science and are positioned for long-term success; and 3) actively engaging with multiple stakeholders that include communities, medical providers, and policy makers to drive research that improves the health of West Virginians.

DEVELOPMENT & MALLEABILITY FROM CHILDHOOD TO ADULTHOOD New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Preventing Opioid Use Disorder NIDA Johns Hopkins University IALONGO, NICHOLAS S Baltimore, MD 2019
NOFO Title: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: PA-18-591

The Family School Partnership (FSP) and classroom-centered (CC) interventions targeted aggressive-coercive behavior and poor academic achievement as antecedents of the distal outcomes of antisocial behavior, substance abuse/dependence, psychiatric symptoms/disorders, high-risk sexual behavior and successful adaptation to the relevant developmental demands of the educational, work, romantic relationships and family (both family of procreation and origin/orientation) social fields/contexts. The participants of the FSP and CC original prevention trial were a population (n = 798) of urban, predominately African-American young adults, who began first grade in the fall of 1993 in nine elementary schools in predominantly low- to lower-middle-income Baltimore areas. The central purpose of the proposed study is to extend through ages 31-35 an examination of normal and pathogenic development and the impact of these two universal first-grade preventive interventions on the distal targets mentioned above. We will continue to study the role of phenotypic and genetic factors (and their interactions) as well as the impact of the interventions on the development and course of substance use/abuse/dependence, psychiatric symptoms/disorders, antisocial behavior/disorder and high-risk sexual behavior through young adulthood. The knowledge accrued over the course of the proposed assessments should serve to inform the nature, targets and timing of our future preventive intervention efforts.

NOFO Title: NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01)
NOFO Number: PA-16-160

Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a problem affecting millions of Americans. Psychosocial approaches are efficacious for addressing the multidimensional nature of CLBP. Three of the most widely implemented nonpharmacological techniques for CLBP management are cognitive therapy (CT), mindfulness meditation (MM), and behavioral activation (BA). However, there is a critical lack of research examining if these techniques work via the mechanisms specified by theory. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and ActiGraph technology embedded within a randomized controlled trial, consisting of daily measures of process and outcome, is ideal for testing mechanism models both during treatment and during the critical period following treatment. The current proposal seeks to utilize EMA and ActiGraph to examine if changes in cognitive content, cognitive process, and activity level are mechanisms specific to CT, MM, and BA, respectively, for reducing pain interference. Elucidating the mechanisms of pain coping skills will lead to streamlined CLBP interventions.

Development of a Wireless Endovascular Nerve Stimulator for Treatment of Refractory Neuropathic Pain Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Translating Discoveries into Effective Devices to Treat Pain NIBIB BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE KAN, PETER TZE MAN; ROBINSON, JACOB T; SHETH, SUNIL Houston, TX 2019
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Translational Development of Devices to Treat Pain (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-EB-18-003

For patients with neuropathic pain refractory to therapy using small molecules, modulation of specific neural structures in the central or peripheral nervous system can provide effective alternative treatments. While current Food and Drug Administration–approved devices for dorsal root ganglion (DRG) stimulation are safe and effective, there have been an unfortunate number of adverse events associated with pulse generator infections and lead migration. The research team will develop a wireless, millimeter-sized nerve stimulator that can be delivered through the vasculature and stimulate the DRG to alleviate symptoms of neuropathic pain and the associated minimally invasive delivery method. This endovascular nerve stimulation (EVNS) system depends on development and integration of key novel technologies into an endovascular stent. The magnetoelectric transducers and electronic circuits will convert wireless power and data into stimulus patterns that can trigger neural activity in the DRG via miniature electrodes. After chronic demonstration of safety and functionality in large animal models, the team will prepare for regulatory discussions with the FDA. If successful, the EVNS will provide a technology platform for treating other neuropathic pain syndromes. 

A Prescription Digital Therapeutic to Promote Adherence to Buprenorphine Pharmacotherapy for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Cross-Cutting Research Small Business Programs NIDA PEAR THERAPEUTICS, INC. KERN, AUDREY; PALLONE, DAVINA Boston, MA 2019
NOFO Title: Loyalty and Reward-Based Technologies to Increase Adherence to Substance Use Disorder Pharmacotherapies (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-19-014

Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a key driver of the current opioid epidemic in the United States, but nearly 80% of individuals with OUD do not receive treatment. Buprenorphine medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is an effective form of care for OUD. This project will develop a state-of-the-art, digital therapeutic tool that effectively promotes buprenorphine adherence by providing contingency management rewards and educational content and enables home induction using a new self-monitoring support tool. This tool, named reSET-O+, will be integrated with Pear Therapeutics’ reSET-O, an FDA market-authorized mobile application delivering validated behavioral therapy and intended for use in conjunction with buprenorphine and standard outpatient treatment for OUD.

R-methadone-TAAP/MPAR: an abuse deterrent methadone prodrug with overdose protection: Pre-Clinical Development and Phase 1 Clinical Trial Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Focusing Medication Development to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose NIDA Ensysce Biosciences, Inc. Kirkpatrick, Lynn San Diego, CA 2019
NOFO Title: Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3) (Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-19-002

Methadone is useful in the treatment of opioid dependence; however, methadone misuse and methadone-related fatalities have increased. Ensysce has created two complementary, novel technologies that can be applied to methadone. Their Trypsin Activated Abuse Protection (TAAP™) prodrugs are “enzyme-activated” to release clinically effective opioid drugs only when taken orally and exposed to the correct physiologic conditions, such as exposure to trypsin in the small bowel. Their multi-pill abuse resistance (MPAR™) feature involves in situ bioregulation of opioid delivery from the TAAP™ systems, enabling control over oral multi-dose pharmacokinetic profiles. It is envisaged that an R-methadone-TAAP™ prodrug would demonstrate similar reduced addiction liability as with other opioid-TAAP products. The objective of this proposal is to develop an R-methadone-TAAP™/MPAR™ drug through Phase 1 clinical studies and to translate R-methadone-TAAP™/MPAR™ results into humans, to ultimately reduce the misuse and oral overdose potential of methadone.

CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR MOBILE SENSOR DATA-TO-KNOWLEDGE (MD2K) - OVERALL New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction NIBIB University of Memphis KUMAR, SANTOSH MEMPHIS, TN 2018
NOFO Title: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: PA-18-591

Rapid technological advances are leading to field-deployable mobile sensing devices that can quantify complex dynamics of key physical, biological, behavioral, social, and environmental factors, enabling us to understand causation in complex disorders. Significant new investment is needed to develop and disseminate data analytics tools. The Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K) will generate generalizable theory, methods, tools, and software to address major barriers to processing complex mobile sensor data and its use in biomedical knowledge discovery and just-in-time care delivery. We will develop and implement a standards-based, interoperable, extensible, and open-source big data software platform for efficient implementation of MD2K data analytics. MD2K will demonstrate the feasibility, utility, and generalizability of this approach by implementing the entire MD2K data analytics system in the context of two biomedical applications: reducing relapse among abstinent daily smokers and reducing readmission among congestive heart failure patients