HEAL Headliners: A Webinar Series

The HEAL Headliners series explores research progress across the portfolio of the Helping to End Addiction Long-term® Initiative. This monthly webinar series shines a light on the wide array of HEAL-funded projects addressing pain, opioid use disorder, overdose, and the important intersections between those topics. We hope you will join us for these illuminating sessions which will keep you on the cutting-edge of HEAL research across the research continuum.
This series is intended for researchers, but anyone with interest in HEAL’s research on pain and addiction is welcome to attend.
The HEAL Headliners series:
- Provides a forum to disseminate HEAL science on a frequent basis.
- Informs the HEAL network of cutting-edge research.
- Highlights early-career researchers.
- Provides a virtual space for researchers to engage.
Upcoming Webinar
Information on the next HEAL Headliners webinar is coming soon.
Past Webinars
April 2023: Breaking Down Barriers to Treatment in the Emergency Department
May 2023: Engaging Patients and Communities in HEAL Research
June 2023: Innovative Long-Acting Therapeutics for Pain and Opioid Use Disorder
July 2023: From Crisis to Solutions: Innovations in Prevention and Risk Analysis Research
August 2023: Mapping the Path to Relief: Improving Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Through Neuromodulation
September 2023: More Than a Number: Data-Driven Solutions for Pain and Addiction
October 2023: Can Automation and Machine Learning Help Find New Treatments for Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Faster?
November 2023: HEALing Across the Lifespan
Make sure you are subscribed to NIH HEAL Initiative email updates to hear the latest about the series.
Research Spotlights
Read in-depth stories about research projects supported by the initiative.
Research Concepts
Read about current research concepts under development for maximal lead time to plan projects.