Open Funding Opportunities

NOFO # NOFO Title Research Focus Area Earliest Submission Date Expiration Date Posted Date Sort ascending
HEAL Initiative: Pain Research Enhancement Program (PREP) (R15 Clinical Trial Optional) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Mon, 09/29/2025 Tue, 11/24/2026 Wed, 01/08/2025

The purpose of this HEAL Initiative program is to: (1) support basic and mechanistic pain research from R15-eligible undergraduate-focused serving institutions, health professional schools or graduate schools; (2) promote integrated, interdisciplinary research partnerships between Principal Investigators (PIs) from R15-eligible institutions and investigators from U.S. domestic institutions; and (3) enhance the pain research environment at the R15-eligible institution for health professional students, undergraduate and/or graduate students through active engagement in pain research.

Applications in response to this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) should include plans to accomplish these goals. Specifically, applications should include a rigorous plan for conducting basic and mechanistic pain research in the Research Strategy section of the application. In addition, a research partnership between the PI’s institution and at least one investigator from a separate U.S. domestic institution that provides resources and/or expertise that will enhance the proposed pain research program must be included in a separate Team Management Plan. The proposed partnership will be a sub-award agreement(s) with at least one partnering institution, which does not need to be R15-eligible. The budget of all sub-awards must not exceed one third of the total budget. Furthermore, applications must include a Facilities & Other Resources document that demonstrates active involvement of health professional students, undergraduate and/or graduate students from the R15-eligible institution(s) in the proposed pain research projects.

Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Substance Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional) Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Mon, 03/10/2025 Tue, 08/12/2025 Fri, 01/03/2025

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) seeks research for the discovery and development of medications to prevent and treat substance use disorders (SUDs) and overdose.

The UG3/UH3 Phased Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement funding mechanism involves 2 phases. The UG3 is to support a project with specific milestones to be accomplished by the end of the 2-year period. The UH3 is to provide funding for 3 years to a project that successfully completed the milestones set in the UG3. UG3 projects that have met their milestones will be administratively considered by NIDA and prioritized for transition to the UH3 phase. Investigators responding to this FOA must address both UG3 and UH3 phases.

Application may include preclinical or clinical research studies that will have high impact and quickly yield the necessary results to advance closer to or to FDA approval. The compounds to be evaluated can be small molecules or biologic and may focus on the development of new chemical entities, new formulations of marketed medications available for other indications, or combinations of medications.

Through this funding opportunity, NIDA seeks to fast-track the discovery and development of medications to prevent and treat SUDs and overdose and to advance them in the FDA's pathway.

Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Mon, 03/10/2025 Tue, 08/12/2025 Fri, 01/03/2025

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support research to advance the development of safe and effective medications for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUD). It includes preclinical and/or clinical research projects, from lead optimization all the way Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III clinical trials. The goal is to fund studies that will have high impact and quickly yield the necessary results to advance medications closer to FDA approval.

HEAL Initiative: Translating Research to Practice to End the Overdose Crisis (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Thu, 02/20/2025 Fri, 03/21/2025 Tue, 12/17/2024

The goal of this initiative is to support action-oriented research that accelerates the translation of research to practice to address the overdose crisis. There remains an urgent need for research that advances the design of stigma-free patient-centered systems of care such that people who experience addiction can recover and sustain their recovery over the long-term. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) solicits applications that address understudied areas of opportunity, particularly those that focus on fundamental barriers or facilitators to reducing overdose deaths at the individual, provider, organizational, community, or system levels. Projects should be in alignment with the overall goals of the HEAL Initiative, and should focus on replicable, scalable, equitable approaches for accelerating the movement of evidence-based and promising treatments into routine use. This NOFO invites phased applications to support projects for which preliminary or feasibility data is not available at the time of submission. This NOFO is a companion to RFA-DA-25-077, which solicits applications for which pilot data is available.

HEAL Initiative: Translating Research to Practice to End the Overdose Crisis (R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Thu, 02/20/2025 Fri, 03/21/2025 Tue, 12/17/2024

The goal of this initiative is to support action-oriented research that accelerates the translation of research to practice to address the overdose crisis. There remains an urgent need for research that advances the design of stigma-free patient-centered systems of care such that people who experience addiction can recover and sustain their recovery over the long-term. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) solicits applications that address understudied areas of opportunity, particularly those that focus on fundamental barriers or facilitators to reducing overdose deaths at the individual, provider, organizational, community, or system levels. Projects should be in alignment with the overall goals of the Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative, and should focus on replicable, scalable, equitable approaches for accelerating the movement of moving evidence-based and promising treatments into routine use. This NOFO invites projects for which preliminary or feasibility data is available. This NOFO is a companion to RFA-DA-25-078, which solicits applications for which pilot data is unavailable.

HEAL Initiative-Early-Stage Discovery of New Pain Targets Within the Understudied Druggable Proteome (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Thu, 01/16/2025 Fri, 07/17/2026 Wed, 12/11/2024

The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications for pilot projects to identify new druggable targets for pain within the understudied druggable proteome. Awards will support generation of preliminary data and/or tools around eligible understudied protein(s) listed in this NOFO. This NOFO is intended to jumpstart research on understudied proteins within the context of pain and pain management and provide applicants with sufficient funding to perform basic biochemical and/or biological work to further the characterization of understudied proteins to identify new druggable targets for pain. This NOFO is part of the Helping to End Addiction Long-term® Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative®, to accelerate the development of novel medications to treat all aspects of the opioid addiction cycle, including progression to chronic use, withdrawal symptoms, craving, relapse, and overdose.

HEAL Initiative: Studies to Enable Analgesic Discovery (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Sat, 12/28/2024 Thu, 12/16/2027 Wed, 09/18/2024

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) aims to encourage research grant applications for initial translational efforts that will enable a drug discovery program for novel, non-opioid, and non-addictive treatments for pain. The program provides funding to develop and validate assays to support a distinct testing funnel and conduct screening efforts to identify and characterize potential therapeutic agents including small molecules, biologics, and natural products. Preliminary in vivo pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and efficacy studies may also be supported. The goal of this NOFO is to advance projects to the point where they meet the entry criteria for the Pain Therapeutics Development Program or other later-stage translational programs.

This NOFO is part of the NIH Helping to End Addiction Long Term (HEAL) initiative to accelerate the discovery and preclinical development of safe and effective therapeutics to treat pain with little or no addiction liability.

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Development and Translation of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices via Blueprint MedTech Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Mon, 09/16/2024 Tue, 02/29/2028 Sun, 08/04/2024

More than 25 million Americans suffer from daily chronic pain, a highly debilitating medical condition that is complex and difficult to manage. In recent decades, there has been an overreliance on the prescription of opioids for chronic pain despite their poor ability to improve function and high addiction liability. This contributed to a significant and alarming epidemic of opioid overdose deaths and addictions. Innovative scientific solutions to develop alternative pain treatment options are thus critically needed.

This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) encourages the development and translation of novel neurotechnologies, funded through the Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative and overseen by the NIH Blueprint MedTech program. Academic institutions and Small Business Concerns (SBCs) are encouraged to submit grant applications that propose non-clinical development and validation activities for subsequent clinical feasibility studies of medical devices for the diagnosis and treatment of pain and opioid use disorder (OUD). Applications supporting the development and translation of groundbreaking neurotechnologies that fit within the mission of the HEAL Initiative are encouraged.

NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards (K08 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Thu, 09/12/2024 Tue, 07/13/2027 Fri, 06/28/2024

The purpose of this NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards (K08 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) is to support the career development of individuals with clinical doctoral degrees to create a group of new and well-trained, independent investigators. This supervised career development program will provide independent NIH research support during the early-career phase to help recipients establish independent research programs in areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative’s Clinical Research in Pain Management program.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for applicants proposing research that does not involve leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial. Under this NOFO applicants are permitted to propose a research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor. Those proposing a clinical trial or an ancillary clinical trial as lead investigator should apply to the companion NOFO.

This Parent Announcement is for basic science experimental studies involving humans, referred to in NOT-OD-18-212 as “prospective basic science studies involving human participants.” These studies fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and also meet the definition of basic research. Types of studies that should be submitted under this NOFO include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions (i.e., experimentally manipulate independent variables) and that assess biomedical or behavioral outcomes in humans for the purpose of understanding the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific application towards processes or products in mind. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans led by another investigator, must apply to the 'Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed' companion NOFO.

The proposed project must be related to the programmatic interests of one or more of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) based on their scientific missions.

NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards (K08 - Clinical Trials Required) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Thu, 09/12/2024 Tue, 07/13/2027 Fri, 06/28/2024

The purpose of this NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards (K08) (Clinical Trials Required) is to support the career development of individuals with clinical doctoral degrees to create a group of new and well-trained, independent investigators. This supervised career development program will provide independent NIH research support during the early-career phase to help recipients  establish independent research programs in areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative’s Clinical Research in Pain Management program.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for applicants proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary study to an existing trial, as part of their research and career development. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, must apply to a companion NOFO.

NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development award (K23 - Clinical Trial Required) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Thu, 09/12/2024 Tue, 07/13/2027 Fri, 06/28/2024

The purpose of the NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development award (K23) (Clinical Trial Required) is to support the career development of individuals with clinical doctoral degrees to create a group of new and well-trained, independent investigators. This supervised career development program will provide independent NIH research support during the early-career phase to help recipients  establish independent research programs in areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative’s Clinical Research in Pain Management program.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for applicants proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary study to an existing trial, as part of their research and career development. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, must apply to the companion NOFO.

NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards (K08 - Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH) Required) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Thu, 09/12/2024 Tue, 07/13/2027 Fri, 06/28/2024

The purpose of this NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Program (PCTP): Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards (K08) (BESH) is to support the career development of individuals with clinical doctoral degrees to create a group of new and well-trained, independent investigators. This supervised career development program will provide independent NIH research support during the early-career phase to help awardees establish independent research programs in areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative’s Clinical Research in Pain Management program.

This Parent Announcement is for basic science experimental studies involving humans, referred to in NOT-OD-18-212 as “prospective basic science studies involving human participants.” These studies fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and also meet the definition of basic research. Types of studies that should be submitted under this NOFO include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions (i.e., experimentally manipulate independent variables) and that assess biomedical or behavioral outcomes in humans for the purpose of understanding the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific application towards processes or products in mind. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans led by another investigator, must apply to the 'Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed' companion NOFO.

The proposed project must be related to the programmatic interests of one or more of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) based on their scientific missions.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for applicants proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary study to an existing trial, as part of their research and career development. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial basic experimental study with humans led by another investigator, must apply to the Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed companion NOFO.

HEAL Initiative: Studies to Enable Analgesic Discovery (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Sat, 05/18/2024 Sat, 01/16/2027 Tue, 03/26/2024

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) aims to encourage research grant applications for initial translational efforts that will enable a drug discovery program for novel, non-opioid, and non-addictive treatments for pain. The program provides funding to develop and validate assays to support a distinct testing funnel and conduct screening efforts to identify and characterize potential therapeutic agents including small molecules, biologics, and natural products. Preliminary in vivo pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and efficacy studies may also be supported. The goal of this NOFO is to advance projects to the point where they meet the entry criteria for the Pain Therapeutics Development Program or other later-stage translational programs.

HEAL Initiative: Non-addictive Analgesic Therapeutics Development [Small Molecules and Biologics] to Treat Pain (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Sun, 12/24/2023 Fri, 01/08/2027 Wed, 11/01/2023

The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support preclinical optimization and development of safe, effective, and non-addictive small molecule and biologic therapeutics to treat pain. The goal of the program is to accelerate the optimization and development of promising early therapeutic molecules and to facilitate readiness for the Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) or other Phase II clinical studies.

HEAL Initiative: Research to Increase Implementation of Substance Use Preventive Services (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Sun, 12/17/2023 Sat, 01/17/2026 Fri, 09/22/2023

Despite an evidence base of effective programs to prevent the initiation of substance use, misuse and disorder, a substantial research to practice gap exists. The goal of this initiative is to support projects that fill this research to practice gap, improving public health and responding to the opioid crisis by increasing knowledge pertaining to the delivery of prevention services. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) solicits applications to address understudied areas of opportunity that, if researched, could create the foundation needed to inform a prevention infrastructure for ongoing delivery and sustainment of interventions to prevent opioid and other substance misuse and use disorders. This NOFO invites projects for which preliminary or feasibility data is not available. This NOFO is a companion to RFA-DA-24-067 which solicits applications for which pilot data is available.

HEAL Initiative: Research to Increase Implementation of Substance Use Preventive Services (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Sun, 12/17/2023 Sat, 01/17/2026 Fri, 09/22/2023

Despite an evidence base of effective programs to prevent the initiation of substance use, misuse and disorder, a substantial research to practice gap exists. The goal of this initiative is to support projects that fill this research to practice gap, improving public health and responding to the opioid crisis by increasing knowledge pertaining to the delivery of prevention services. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) solicits applications to address understudied areas of opportunity that, if researched, could create the foundation needed to inform a prevention infrastructure for ongoing delivery and sustainment of interventions to prevent opioid and other substance misuse and use disorders. This NOFO invites projects for which preliminary or feasibility data is available. This NOFO is a companion to RFA-DA-24-066 which solicits applications for which pilot data is unavailable.

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Leveraging Inpatient Medical or Surgical Hospitalizations to Improve Outcomes for People Who Use Drugs Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Wed, 11/15/2023 Thu, 11/13/2025 Tue, 08/01/2023

This notice of special interest (NOSI) is part of the NIH's Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) initiative to speed the development and implementation of scientific solutions to the national opioid public health crisis by bolstering research across NIH to (1) improve treatment for opioid misuse and addiction and (2) enhance pain management. More information and periodic updates about the HEAL Initiative are available at:

In the United States, a relatively small number of high-need patients account for a disproportionately high level of healthcare utilization, including hospital admissions and costs. Having a substance use disorder (SUD) increases the risk of an individual falling into this high-risk, high-need population. Furthermore, the co-occurrence of general medical conditions and SUD, including opioid use disorder (OUD) complicates the treatment and can worsen the outcomes of both. Screening for SUD and OUD is not routine for most medical or surgical admissions. Even when identified, individuals can experience worse outcomes for their medical or surgical conditions because of stigma or because their SUD may complicate their hospitalization in other ways (e.g., poor venous access in people who inject drugs). At the same time, individuals being treated in medical or surgical wards may not receive evidence-based treatment or linkage to outpatient OUD/SUD treatment upon discharge.

There are existing models for initiation of treatment for OUD during general inpatient hospital medical stays, some of which involve linkage to care post-discharge (e.g., addiction consult services, consultation liaison psychiatry referrals, care coordinators, patient navigators, bridge clinics). Some of these have been studied formally for short time periods and/or at limited scale. Others may have both emergency department (ED) and inpatient treatment initiation and linkage, but far more evaluation has been done on the ED initiation and linkage than the inpatient components. These models have not been scaled up and used widely to date, indicating possible limitations with the models, additional barriers to implementation, or limited experience with the models in varied health systems.

In addition, there is literature to support the idea the hospital may be an appropriate place to screen for and assess SUDs including OUD, that OUD may complicate or extend the hospital stay and increase costs, and that initiation of treatment during hospitalization and linkage to continued outpatient care can be beneficial in reducing hospital re-admissions.

HEAL Initiative: Interdisciplinary Team Science to Uncover the Mechanisms of Pain Relief by Medical Devices (RM1 Clinical Trial Optional) Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Sat, 05/13/2023 Tue, 06/10/2025 Thu, 04/27/2023

Through targeted research efforts, the NIH HEAL Initiative aims to support the development of safe and effective devices to treat pain with little or no addiction liability. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is designed to support interdisciplinary research teams of multiple PDs/PIs to investigate the mechanisms of action of pain relief using FDA-approved or -cleared medical devices with the overall goal of optimizing therapeutic outcomes for these technologies. Program teams are expected to accomplish goals that require considerable synergy and collaborative interactions. Teams must leverage appropriate multi-disciplinary expertise to develop new principles and methods for experimentation, analysis, and interpretation. Project goals should not be achievable with a collection of individual efforts or projects. Teams are encouraged to consider objectives that will produce major advances in the understanding of pain relief by medical devices that are likely to improve strategies for pain management.

HEAL Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program: Embedded Entrepreneurs for Small Businesses in Pain Management (SB1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Sun, 03/05/2023 Sat, 09/06/2025 Tue, 01/03/2023

The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to facilitate the transition of previously funded SBIR and STTR Phase II and Phase IIB projects in pain management to the commercialization stage by providing additional assistance for private partnering activities through the Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) program. Specifically, this NOFO supports the addition of entrepreneurial expertise into small business leadership teams along with supporting partnering activities to aid in commercialization through private third-party funding or partnership with industry.

Clinical trials are not accepted under this NOFO.

HEAL Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral-to-Independent Career Transition Award in PAIN and SUD Research (K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Tue, 01/10/2023 Wed, 03/12/2025 Thu, 12/15/2022

The purpose of the NIH HEAL Initiative® Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) program is to support a cohort of new and well-trained independent investigators conducting Pain and/or SUD research, in order to increase the independent investigator workforce in research areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative®. This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of eligible postdoctoral researchers from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. The program will provide independent NIH research support during this transition to help awardees establish independent research programs in areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative®.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for candidates proposing research that does not involve leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, an ancillary study to a clinical trial, or an independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH). Applicants to this NOFO are permitted to propose research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor. Those proposing an independent BESH as lead investigator, should apply to the companion NOFO (RFA-NS-22-023).

HEAL Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral-to-Independent Career Transition Award in PAIN and SUD Research (Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Tue, 01/10/2023 Wed, 03/12/2025 Thu, 12/15/2022

The purpose of the NIH HEAL Initiative® Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) program is to support a cohort of new and well-trained independent investigators conducting Pain and/or SUD research, in order to increase the independent investigator workforce in research areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative®. This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of eligible postdoctoral researchers from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. The program will provide independent NIH research support during this transition to help awardees establish independent research programs in areas supported by the NIH HEAL Initiative®.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity is for basic science experimental studies involving humans, referred to in NOT-OD-18-212 as “prospective basic science studies involving human participants.” These studies fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and also meet the definition of basic research. Types of studies that should be submitted under this NOFO include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions (i.e., experimentally manipulate independent variables) and that assess biomedical or behavioral outcomes in humans for the purpose of understanding the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific application towards processes or products in mind. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans led by another investigator, must apply to the 'Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed' companion NOFO.

The proposed project must be related to the programmatic interests of one or more of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) based on their scientific missions.

NOT-DA-23-009 Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Thu, 10/27/2022 Tue, 09/02/2025 Thu, 09/29/2022
no summary
NOT-DA-23-010 Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid and/or Stimulant Use Disorders and Overdose Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Thu, 10/27/2022 Tue, 09/02/2025 Wed, 09/28/2022
no summary
RFA-NS-23-007 HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Cross-Cutting Research Sun, 12/04/2022 Sat, 04/05/2025 Thu, 09/15/2022
no summary
RFA-NS-23-006 HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Cross-Cutting Research Sun, 12/04/2022 Sat, 04/05/2025 Thu, 09/15/2022
no summary
RFA-EB-22-002 HEAL Initiative: Translational Development of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices (R18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Fri, 10/14/2022 Wed, 06/18/2025 Tue, 08/23/2022
no summary
NOT-DA-23-007 Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Opioid Use Disorder Care Pathways for Individuals with Histories of Exposure to Violence Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction, New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Wed, 10/12/2022 Sun, 07/13/2025 Wed, 08/03/2022
no summary
NOT-DA-23-008 Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) HEAL Initiative: Workforce Interventions to Improve Addiction Care Quality and Patient Outcomes Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Wed, 10/05/2022 Mon, 09/08/2025 Wed, 08/03/2022
no summary
NOT-NS-22-095 HEAL Initiative Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Development and Validation of Pain-Related Models and Endpoints to Facilitate Non-Addictive Analgesic Discovery Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management Tue, 10/18/2022 Wed, 06/25/2025 Thu, 07/14/2022
no summary
PAS-22-206 HEAL Initiative: Career Development Awards in Implementation Science for Substance Use Prevention and Treatment (K01 - Clinical Trial Required) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Mon, 09/12/2022 Thu, 11/13/2025 Thu, 07/14/2022
no summary
PAS-22-207 HEAL Initiative: Career Development Awards in Implementation Science for Substance Use Prevention and Treatment (K23 - Clinical Trial Required) Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL Mon, 09/12/2022 Thu, 11/13/2025 Thu, 07/14/2022
no summary